What is the fuel capacity of the Boeing 737–800?

What is the fuel capacity of the Boeing 737–800?

20.020 litres (twenty thousand and twenty litres), about 15 tons.

What is a yaw damper?

What is a yaw damper?

Boots on the leading edges inflate (6 seconds) to break the ice dissipating it into the airflow.

Powered by the gyro pressure system.

Why is a great circle the shortest distance between two points?

Why is a great circle the shortest distance between two points?

The track changes constantly.

What are the advantages of swept wings?

What are the advantages of swept wings?

Swept wings are:

Better for high speed flight as they have minimal camber and thickness reduce drag and delay Mcrit More stable in turbulence as they produce less lift and as a result they are less responsive to updraughts

Does the N1 compressor produce thrust?

Does the N1 compressor produce thrust?

Yes, with the modern high bypass turbofans the N1 compressor works as a huge propeller, it takes a big mass of air and gives it a relative small acceleration.

Around 70% of the air will bypass the core of the engine, only 30% of air will be compressed further and will eventually go through the combustion chamber.

What are TORA, TODA, ASDA clearways, stopways, and screen heights?

What are TORA, TODA, ASDA clearways, stopways, and screen heights?

TORA= Takeoff Run Available, the length of runway declared available and suitable for the ground run of an aeroplane taking off.

TODA= Takeoff Distance Available, the length of the take off run available (TORA) plus the length of the clearway, if available.

ASDA= Accelerated Stop Distance Available, the length of the takeoff run plus the length of the stopway, if available.

A clearway is an area beyond the paved runway, free of obstructions and under the control of the airport authorities. The length of the clearway may be included in the length of the takeoff distance available (Take Off Distance Available (TODA)). For example, if a paved runway is 2000 m long and there are 400 m of clearway beyond the end of the runway, the takeoff distance available is 2400 m long.

The stopway is an area beyond the runway which can be used for deceleration in the event of a rejected takeoff.

Screen height: TODR is the distance from the brake release point to the point where the aircraft gains a height of 35 ft above the ground. This 35 ft is what we call the screen height. While 35 ft is the screen height for class A airplanes, it is 50 ft for class B airplanes.

On a wet runway, the screen height is reduced to 15 ft.

What is an aerofoil chord line?

What is an aerofoil chord line?

A straight line conecting the leading edge with the trailing edge of an aerofoil.

How does GPWS work?

How does GPWS work?

GPWS is a central computer system that receives various data inputs on configuration, (radio altimeter) height/altitude and instrument landing system glide slope deviation and is able to alert the pilot when a dangerous situation is about to occur.

What is DA?

What is DA?

Decision altitude (precision), the altitude at which a decision must be made during an ILS, MLS, or PAR instrument approach to either continue the approach or to execute a missed approach.

On a tapered wing, where would the stall occur first?

On a tapered wing, where would the stall occur first?

At the tip as downwash and spanwise flow effect the angle of attack at each section, but because of the tapered wing the effective angle of attack near the tips is greater than that near the center.

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